Hostway and Zeus Technology Study on Effective Websites


A research study was conducted by Hostway and Zeus Technology to highlight the significance to businesses of running a relevant and reliable website.

In the study, Hostway and Zeus Technology, found that almost 5.5 online transactions have been cancelled by online shoppers in the year 2009.

It is often assumed that the usual online transaction averages to about £30 – thereby showing how much revenue companies with not-so-well performing websites may be losing out on. However, researchers Hostway and Zeus Technology – found out that the total loss is £5.65 billion after surveying more than 2000 people.


To explain this study a little further, the director at Hostway, Neil Barton said: “With many of today’s websites containing a lot more multimedia content, it is important that consumers receive a good online experience otherwise they may simply abandon their transaction.”

The results of this research showed that almost 82 per cent of people would cancel a prospective purchase if the website they were using was not fully up to the mark.