Former Philadelphia Phillies Player Robin Roberts Dies At 83


UK Today News: Former Philadelphia Phillies Player Robin Roberts Dies At 83

Robin Roberts Death: Hall of Famer and former right hander Robin Roberts, who won 286 games for his team Philadelphia Phillies, died at the ripe age of 83 at his home in Temple Terrence, Florida.


The Phillies reported that his death was of natural causes.

Robin Roberts was born on September 30th 1926, and as a child, his first bat was a cricket bat, which his father bought him. He was still active till 1956, where he served for the National League Players as the representative. After retiring from baseball, Roberts didn’t keep his life still but he kept it moving around at his own pace. He was an investment agent, then he also coached the University of South Florida and a minor league instructor for the Phillies.

Roberts’ wife passed away in 2005, and he was then survived by his sons, Robin Jr., Dan, Rick and Jimmy and his brother John.