Lakeview Gusher – USA’s Largest Recorded Oil Spill, BP Oil Spill Worst Oil Spill In US History


UK Today News: Lakeview Gusher – USA’s Largest Recorded Oil Spill, BP Oil Spill Worst Oil Spill In US History

Lakeview Gusher, Oil Spill: The Lakeview Gusher is termed as the largest recorded oil well gusher in the United States of America. The Lakeview Gusher has resurfaced in the news after comparisons with USA’s worst ever oil spill – BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill which began on April 20 this year. The difference between the Lakeview Gusher and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is that the former took place on land, while the gulf coast spill has taken place in water.

Lakeview Gusher
The 1910 Lakeview Gusher

The Lakeview Gusher gusher took place in 1910 and reports state that the Lakeview Gusher started when high pressures led to the explosion of an oil derrick in California. This blow created a geyser of crude oil on land that spread across 30 miles. The spill could be controlled after almost 18 months ; and it is known to have gushed out nearly 9 million barrels of oil.

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been capped and it seems that this will probably bring the spill under control, however, the consequences of the oil spill are yet to be determined since latest reports state that the oil spill will be hitting Florida – the fourth victim of the spill in USA.