Stress Test For Banks In Europe Allows Wall Street To Relax


UK Today News: Stress Test For Banks In Europe Allows Wall Street to Relax

Stress Test For Banks In Europe – There has been acute buy back of stocks, and this time it has happened in European banks. Europe’s regulators had conducted a test on the banks, which is called the stress test, and has recently released the results of this test. It also stated that only a handful of banks would face a bad time if the European economy slips.

Credits-European Pressphoto Agency

The Industrial average of Dow Jones was up by 100 points, which ended on the index with a two day gain of some 300 points. On the other hand, the reports presented to the investors regarding the second quarter has promised and shown signs of improvement in the economy.

General Electric has shown goods signs of recovery, as its has announced a raise in its dividends to the public.

For the investors it was strictly a nervous time, as it saw the stress test pass over the banks. The stress test proved the banks stability if the government falls into a debt crisis or if the European economy slips.

But in recent times, the European debt crisis has sent stocks rolling down all over the world from the month of April, which has become a strong concern for the recovery of the global economy.