12th September National Grandparents Day Celebrated in the US


UK Today News: 12th September National Grandparents Day Celebrated in the US

The 12th of September is celebrated as Grandparents Day widely in the United States of America (USA) and a few more countries. Today marks the 32nd addition of Grandparents Day. Grandparents Day is celebrated every year since it started back in the year 1978. This days is celebrated on the first Sunday followed after Labor Day.

Grandma-Grandpa grandparentsday

Marian McQuade from Oak Hill, West Virginia was the founder of this great day named the Grandparents Day. The main aim for grandparents day is to make the youth realize and give great respect and honor to senior citizens as they have given so much to the world throughout history.

To remember this day and honor it, an official “forget-me-not” flower is kept along with an official song called “A Song for Grandma and Grandpa”.

Many other countries have selected different days to celebrate Grandparents day across the whole world, but the one that is celebrated in the United States was the first one started to honor grandparents

Everyone should make it a point to wish their grandparents a very happy Grandparents Day, it would also fulfill the duty of a mature citizen.