Britons have a higher life expectancy than Americans


UK Today News: There has been an improvement in the life expectancy of Europeans, with British people living longer as compared to their American counterparts. Despite the increase in the number of obese people in Europe, an analysis of trends in the past 40 years shows that people in high income countries are more prone to obesity related problems.

According to Professor David Leon from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, European countries are marching towards the positive direction, when it comes to life expectancy in the past five years.

Moreover, a decrease in the cardio vascular diseases has also been noticed in the past few years, due to the improvement in treatment facilities. In addition to this, the population in Europe has also reduced smoking and related vices, which has contributed to the good health of citizens.

It was also observed that the people in the US spent more per capita on healthcare products than any other country in the world, but still lagged behind in terms of life expectancy. There were reports that in 2007 the average life expectancy in the US was 78, compared to 80 in the UK. It was also analysed that a baby born in UK could expect to live for 68.75 years when compared to a baby born in US to live for 67.02 years.

The best way to increase one’s life expectancy is to avoid unhealthy junk food and instead indulge in fresh fruits, vegetables and do some moderate exercise daily.