Relatives of missing Malaysian flight passengers protest on streets of Beijing


Just one day after the announcement from the Malaysian Prime Minister that the missing Malaysian flight has ended its journey in the Indian Ocean, family members of the passengers have erupted in angry protests. Around 100 relatives, as well as their supporters marched to the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing.

malaysia flight

Protestors marched passed Chinese police lines and started a protest on the streets of Beijing. The media is carefully reporting about the protest and has called it ‘rational and controlled’. One of the relatives was quoted as saying that they are going to the embassy in order to hand over the protest letter and that they are going there to express their reasonable complaint and not to create any trouble.

Other media reports say that the relatives are looking for answers. Pictures have been published of the disappointed relatives holding posters and placards with emotional messages on them. The latest incident has been compared to the fate of Air France Flight 447, which ended its journey in the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. The wreckage was found five days following its disappearance.

Media portals are also publishing reactions from Chinese personalities who have stated their anger on weibo, which is a service similar to Twitter in China.

Photo Credits: NY Daily news