26/11 Verdict – Surviving Gunman Ajmal Kasab Awarded Death Sentence For Mumbai Attacks


UK Today News: 26/11 Verdict – Surviving Gunman Ajmal Kasab Awarded Death Sentence For Mumbai Attacks

Mumbai’s first additional principal judge, M.L. Tahalyani, on Thursday sentenced Ajmal Kasab, the only terrorist who was caught alive in the 26/11 terrorist attack on Mumbai, to be hanged till death. The judge gave the sentence based on 5 counts that are: murder, murder in common interest, terrorism, waging war against a country and conspiracy against Mumbai terrorist attacks in 26/11.


Kasab was wearing a kurta pyjama, when the judge told him to stand up before awarding him the death sentence. He kept standing there with his head hanging and never had the mettle inside him to look the judge in the eye when the sentence was pronounced.

In response to lawyer K.P. Pawar, the defence lawyer who had requested the judge not to lead him death as he his of young age and could reform in the future, judge Tahalyani said, “Keeping such a person alive is always dangerous. There is danger lingering on the head of the government. There is constant danger to society… He has no right to live.”

The court pronounced the death sentence on Kasab and said that his crime was an act of exceptional depravity. He had fired his weapon at CST station without any consideration of the age, sex of his victims. He even shot at women and children. He even noted that he had shot at a large number of police personnel. He was mentally well prepared to carry out such an attack.