Tori Spelling’s Husband Dean McDermott In Intensive Care After Motorcycle Accident


UK Today News: Tori Spelling’s Husband Dean McDermott In Intensive Care After Motorcycle Accident

Dean McDermott Crash: A second motorcycle accident in a year has again made place for Tori Spelling’s husband Dean McDermott in the hospital, but this time it seems to be more critical as he has been admitted in the intensive care unit for a punctured and collapsed lung.

dean and tori

Tori Spelling, Dean’s wife said, “He is in a lot of pain.” She added further: “He is taking this as a sign and realizing family is too important to risk his life.”

Dean was on a dirt bike ride with his two friends, when he crashed on Tuesday. He was unable to move after the accident with his right side bleeding heavily because of the punctured wound. Dean was immediately taken to a Los Angeles-area hospital and was admitted to the intensive care unit.