Oil Spill In Gulf Of Mexico: BP Urges Oil Partners To Pay $400 Million To Share The Bill


UK Today News: Oil Spill In Gulf Of Mexico: BP Urges Oil Partners To Pay $400 Million To Share The Bill

The gulf oil spill which had occurred in the month of April on BP’s oil drilling platform ‘Deepwater Horizon’ has till date cost them $3.12 billion or 2 billion British pounds, as loss. As a move taken to neutralize the deficit, the oil company has asked his fellow partners to share to procuring loss.


It was last month, that the BP had sent a demand of $400 million to its partner companies, Anadarko and Japans, Mitsui Oil Exploration Company, who are minority partners with the company.

The $400 million demand is equal to 40% of at least 1 billion pounds of the deficit.Anardarko shares 25% and Mitsui shares 10% of the company shares.

The details for the demand have been stated in the documents which were released by the Senate Subcommittee last week, which clearly states that the company has 30 days of time to pay the whole sum, which leaves the the two share holding companies have time till this weekend to pay the amount.

Both the minority share holding companies have shown negative feedback towards the demand of money. Anadarko has clearly stated that it has no share in the catastrophe which occurred in the gulf, and Mitsui states that it might just be a bit too early to conclude the matter on the Deep Water Horizon

News has come in the, BP is trying to recoup the money it lost in the event by updating its investors on the size of the scale of the catastrophe and the clean up exercise that has followed the event. It has been, that since the 20th of April, when the Deepwater Horizon sank, and afterwards the clean up process and containment process and relief wells drilling has cost the BP almost $3.12 billion. And still worse that, BP has agreed that it would pay an extra $20 billion for a special clean up fund of the Gulf of Mexico, during the time when the BP executives met Barack Obama on the 16th of June.