Jodie Fisher’s Sexual Harassment Allegations Cost HP CEO Mark Hurd His Job


UK Today News: Jodie Fisher’s Sexual Harassment Allegations Cost HP CEO Mark Hurd His Job

Jodie Fisher , the woman who had become the center of the investigation in HP’s Mark Hurd sexual harassment scandal, has come into the lime light and has spoken out. It has been reveled that she is a reality star, who has recently featured in NBC’s reality show ‘Age of Love’.

Jodie Fisher

Jodie Fisher

Jodie, a 50 year single mother, revealed her identity on San Jose Mercury News, this Sunday. Her attorney, Gloria Allred, stated that her client Jodie says that she is very saddened about the fact the Mark Hurd had to lose his job from HP. She also stated that she had not intention to make him resign from his job. Jodie has appeared in a number of movies too, of which some were R rated.

Jodie Fisher has appeared in the movies – ‘Easy Rider – The Ride Back’, ‘Blood Dolls’, ‘The Outsider’, ‘Sheer Passion’ and the unrated movie ‘Body Of Influence – 2’. She had done all her movies in her 30’s. She has appeared in the realty show, ‘Age of Love’ where she stars along with the Australian tennis star, Mark Philippoussis. In the show, she is trying to find love for herself, along with other women, who are between their 30’s and late 40’s.