Royal wedding to be streamed live on YouTube?


UK Today News: Britain’s most awaited event of the year, the 2011 Royal Wedding, will be telecasted live on YouTube. Search engine giant Google announced that the biggest event of the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton will be streamed live on their video sharing service – YouTube.

The priceless moments will be captured and telecasted straight from London, where the wedding will be solemnized. The live telecast will begin from 10 am, according to the British Summer time. Later, the public wedding procession will be followed ,which will lead to the official marriage ceremony.

The venue of the marriage ceremony is Westminster Abbey. Moreover, the live telecast will also include the first kiss of the couple at the balcony. Google had revealed that people around the globe had expressed interest in the royal wedding and had sent requests to telecast the wedding.

The top ten countries to send the request include Australia, Canada, Singapore and the United States of Amer. The Royal House has given its nod to stream the wedding live on YouTube. The search engine will be streaming the wedding through the Royal Channel . The Royal Channel on YouTube has already started a video guest book for the well-wishers. The Royal Channel on the wedding day will also feature a live blog commentary. Later the whole footage can be seen, after the event has concluded.