Veteran computer hacker Barnaby Jack found dead in San Francisco

1727 New Zealand-based computer security professional hacker Barnaby Jack died at the age of 35. According to the police spokesperson, Jack was found dead on July 25, 2013 evening by a loved one at an apartment on Nob Hill in San Francisco. The spokesperson added that some foul play has been ruled out.


The Medical Examiner’s Office of San Francisco said that it was conducting an autopsy, but it could even take a month before the cause of death could be determined. Jack comes from New Zealand and was the director of embedded device security at IOActive which is a security consulting firm with offices in Seattle and London.

Barnaby was known for his attention-seeking hacking demonstrations which made him a sought after presenter at computer security conferences. Moreover in 2010, Jack showed how he could break in to an ATM machine and also make them spit out cash. The stunt was performed live on stage at the annual Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas.

Earlier, he has also demonstrated a security flaw in an insulin pump which allowed him to hack the device from as far as 300 feet away and forced it to dispense the hormone.

Photo Credits: NBC News