European Parliament to consider proposal to give Brits option to keep their EU citizenship


The Parliament of Europe is considering a plan to allow the British citizens to opt-in and keep their European Union citizenship along with its associated benefits after the UK leaves the European Union. Such a proposal has been kept in front of the parliamentary committee as an amendment. If approved, the citizens of the former member states would voluntarily have a right to retain associate citizenship of the EU after Brexit.


The citizens involved will be provided a benefit of having a free movement across the European Union as full citizens. They will also be allowed to vote in European Parliament elections which means they were still represented in Brussels. The proposal can be beneficial for the Brits who work and live across the borders and are disrupted due to the Leave vote. Under such circumstances even young people are looking forward to flee from UK for greater choice over where to move.
Charles Goerens proposed the amendment 882 who is a liberal MEP from Luxemburg and will be considered by the Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee. The committee will consider the possible evolutions of adjustments to the current institutional set-up of the European Union. On the other hand campaigners of Brexit have protested against the idea and argued that it would discriminate against Leave voters and that it can cause an outrage.
The proposed amendment has suggested that provision of European Associate citizenship for people who wish to be a part of the European project but are nationals of former Member State. It will offer the citizens the rights of freedom of movement and to reside on its territory. However, the British government so far has not been open on what it expects post Brexit. There are chances that British citizens would automatically lose the right to live and work in the EU after Brexit.

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