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Breaking News

Breaking News

Developing countries which are facing climate issues will be receiving assistance through its new initiative to provide expertise. The country will be providing help through its world leading climate and adaptation expertise for a successful tackling of climate. Energy and...
British military healthcare worker who tested positive for Ebola virus has landed in the UK. The healthcare worker was brought in a plane and will be taken to the Royal Free Hospital in London which has successfully treated many...
Railways passengers in the UK will get automatic refunds if the the train gets delayed by two minutes. The fresh scheme has been trailed in line on the C2C line in Essex and the travel companies will have to...
Search engine giant Google rolled out a few additions to the Android Lollipop mobile operating system on March 8, 2015. The operating system has new capabilities like the multiple SIM card support. Reports say that the Android 5.1 will improve...
The Amazon forest also known as the ‘Lungs of the World’ is facing drought conditions. Scientists have warned that the climate change in the Amazon is leading to a climate change. Trees in the region are absorbing up to...
Advertising Standards Authority has banned the internet shopping giant Amazon from sending an advertisement to the customers that promotes free trial. Customers have complained that the they were not aware that they would be charged £79 for the service...
People who regularly drink coffee are less prone to heart diseases. Korean researchers studied more than 25,000 male and female employees who underwent routine health check ups at their workplace. It was found that the employees who had moderate amount...